Tuesday, October 6, 2009

9th Footprint

Name: MoHaMaD ShAf!q BiN SaLeHuDDiN
Birthdate: 12 JuNe 1991
Email Address: shafiq_porter@yahoo.com
Contact Number: 017-7143641
MSN: -
School and course: PeNaNg mAtRiCuLaTiOn CoLLeGe, Sa!nS HayaT

Welcome message:

Mis Da GrEaT MoMeNtS DaT We HaD 2gAthEr..HoPe wE WiLL MeEt aGa!n oNe DaY..iF ThErE iS aNy GaThEr!nGs oRgAn!sEd, pLs LeT Me NoE 2..


Thursday, September 17, 2009

8th Footprint

Name- Loh Xin Zhe

Birthdate- July 30

Msn- Jolene_xmi@hotmail.com

Contact- 0167223954

School n course- University Tunku Abdul Rahman~ FA_FN

Welcome Message- Wish u o all the best, enjoy ur new life ya

by- xz

Sunday, September 13, 2009

7th Footprint

Name: Alicia Chin Mei Kee
Num: 010-8844476
E-mail/ msn: cake_dreamer@hotmail.com
Currently at: SDJ, JB

Welcome Message:

Hello there, hmm. . . I'm not such person who can express myself well, anyhow I think u all can sense my missing to your all . Ritex? Keep in touch and all the best for the coming long journey yet.

With love,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

6th Footprint

Name:Sally Tan Chia Yan
School&Course:Sunway College Johor Bahru, Diploma in Business Administration

Welcome message:
hope everyone happy & health!

Chia Yan

5th Footprint

Name:SHaRoN sAnThiA jOhN
Birthdate:4Th JuNe 1991

Welcome message:

hEy DeR gUyz..... ReLy MiSsInG oL oF eU...!!!! cAn'T 4gET dA gReAT mEmOrIeS v hAd 2gEtHa...
5 ScIeNcE '08 V RoCk........ cHaIyO.........!!!!! lUrP Eu guYzZ..... =)


4th Footprint

Name: DaRsHiNi JeYaSiMMaN
Birthdate:17tH NoVeMbEr 1991
Email Address: dj_kartz@yahoo.com, 96130@myrp.edu.sg
Contact Number: +6017-7635797
MSN: dj_kartz@yahoo.com
School and course: rEpUbLiC PoLyTeChNiC, d!pLoMa iN b!oTeChNoLoGy

Welcome message:

Hi GuYs! MiS u PeOpLe LoTz!! 5 Sc!eNcE iS UnBeAtAbLe n hAs CrEaTeD aN uNfOrGeTtAbLe HiStOrY iN SmKtPi!! i tHiNk We ShOuLd aLwAyS KeEp iN ToUcH..MuAhX

3rd Footprint~

Yo! Yc's here^^ Nice to hear from you aLL^^

Name-Carine Ng Yan Ching~Yc^^
Birthdate-15th April 1991~Aries
Email add-yeah_coolgirl@hotmail.com
Contact me @-07-8612023/016-7346782
School & Course-Sunway College JB~Dip in Business Admin
Blog-http://my-luvly-space.blogspot.com/ (Still empty>_<)

Welcome message...

=Yo guys! Long time no see! Miss u aLL a lot^_^
Hope u aLL are fine all the ways and work hard in ur study ya!
Best wishes for u aLL^_^=